Thursday, February 26

A lot of people like snow. I find it to be an unnecessary freezing of water.
Carl Reiner

in theory, i love the snow! i especially loved it while living in NYC.
nothing to worry about...maybe shovelling a few stairs, but other than that, you just walked slowly and eventually you arrived at your destination.
here in the south, when the weather turns icy or snowy, all hell breaks loose.
everyone freaks about it here. if snow is in the forecast, everything closes, and havoc ensues.
i'd say i am currently looking at about 5 inches of the fluffy stuff as i peer out my window.
of course the biggest problem is for us that earn an hourly wage.
i had to drive the long-ass commute to my minimum wage job only to come back 2 1/2 hours later due to the snowy weather. then there is my poor husband whom just phoned to tell me he STILL hasn't made it to work an hour and a half later. usually it takes 15 minutes. yes, he called to see if they were closing the damn corporate coffee whorehouse, and NO, the selfish bastards aren't. so what does one do? risk losing one's job and not go in? or risk losing one's life (i know a bit dramatic) just to stay on as a corporate slave?

speaking of corporate slaves...listened to the The Diane Rehm Show on NPR today.
here is the promo paragraph:
You see them almost everywhere. They serve your coffee, clear your table, or clean your office. The working poor come from practically all walks of life. they are white, black, Latino and Asian. Author David Shipler examines the problems these hard-working Americans face - and offers informed solutions - in his book "The Working Poor."

this woman has no idea what being poor means. usually NPR can do no wrong by me, but she actually said... "i bet that being in that situation really puts stress on marriages and families." god, she is brilliant! then she went on to also say that it must be hard for these poor people (most of which she guessed had television) to come to terms with what they see on the television. meaning that it must be really hard for the "poor" to be overwhelmed with all the things they don't have and the stress that must put them under. seriously...has she never met someone who didn't own a mercedes or 5000 square foot home? i bet she has 3 starbucks coffees everyday. i mean i don't know the lady, so i'm not trying to be mean, but how can someone that reports on current events and the corresponding literature be so clueless!?

ok, this blog isn't the most brilliant, but didn't want to start writing brilliant ones now!

My SS Today: 7 (only had to work 2.5 hours, and probably off tomorrow!)

Tuesday, February 17

Top 10 Reasons Why I Have a Difficult Time Blogging :

10. I don't sit at a computer all day anymore.
9. When I do sit at a computer, all I can do is stare at the images that flash before my eyes.
8. My internet connection is...*gasp*...dial-up.
7. I live in Charlotte, North Carolina and besides avoiding the bad traffic there isn't much going on.
6. I do most of my thinking and processing on the 1/2 drive back home while listening to NPR.
5. The rest of my "thought" is used to try and communicate with my husband.
4. The current state of political affairs has my mind in knots.
3. I am not getting enough blood to my brain due to the hours I spend entertaining children.
2. I have to keep it straight when the Tweenies come on because I'll be damned if I am going to sit though that children show! (I can handle The Wiggles and Oobie and I may even like Stanley, but PLEASE GOD, NOT the Tweenies! They scare me! And they should you too!)
1. The amount of crap there is to watch on the 5 channels of television I actually get at home...wins every time.

My SS Today: 5 (I blogged, but yet this medicine still hasn't helped my clogged head!)