Again, it has been forever. I wish it was because I was out doing something very EXTRAordinary, but I am afraid that is definately not the case.

She seems to have adjusted just fine. :)
All except using the bed we got her (she tends to like under the bed better) and the green scratching post that hasn't been clawed once (she tends to use anything but!).
Otherwise, same ole. Get up at 7, go to work. Develop big ass headache, we all take naps, everyone wakes up, resume headache while preparing lunch. Older brother comes home, upgrade to migrane and sore throat from screaming, then sweet relief of the 1/2 hour drive home. Only to deal with OWN problems now.
Ahhhh... the life.
So it is the 10 year anniversary of NAFTA. And remember anniversary isn't always marking something often is used to mark the rememberence of one's death. ANYWAY...
So it is...and I can't help but have a mix of panic and relief that ultimately I want to go into a career that HAS to be hands on. Social work HAS to be, right?
Profits are all good and well, but sooner or later if all the companies are looking for cheaper labor and they all become successful at finding it elsewhere (which is a true possiblity being that we americans have gotten a bit spoiled on what we deem as a necessity...hence our high pricetag living) it is quite possible that one day there won't be anyone left in the US to buy said compay's products and/or services. So it would kind of be like them shooting themselves in the ass and taking all of us with them as they file for bankruptcy. But of course their life wouldn't be as dramatically upset because well it was just a business venture and for us, well it is our livelyhood.
Anyway, can't help mulling it all over, being that NPR is doing a special report all week on the anniversary (more cons that pros it seems).
My SS Today: 7 (I have a job, and now a cat as well...what else could I want?)